Toffler’s children

September 30, 2011

Alvin Toffler wrote about the future, predicted that society will bewrecked by the emergence of rapid wealth creation in non-conventional forms. Of course there are the conventional ways of creating wealth but that is not our subject here.

Today, with the ever enhancing, very swift electronic forms of communications, criminal activities have given thieves in both government and the private sector, drug lords, firearms smugglers, white slavery and human trafficking perpetrators more money than all the mythical and legendary crime kingpins in human history combined.

In the case of the public sector, thieves in the government, for instance in the military, are the sad raison d’ etres for the loss of lives of our soldiers in the field who are issued mediocre equipment, war materiel and poorly performing ammunition. The thieves enrich themselves needlessly while the poor soldiers get to be killed senselessly in the field. Why? Where is fairness in this?

Our current crop of crime ‘specialists’, even terrorist groups among them, have succeeded in actualizing Toffler’s prediction and today are extremely rich beyond all our imaginations.

The dangers of many groups therefore — that want to get rich quick, that have the means and financial backers — getting into the act and growing big, cannot be overemphasized.

Staff and officers of security organizations, financial empires, transport companies, among other estblishments are vulnerable to recruitment in the crime game. I know of a group inside a transport company that is engaged very intensely in drugs and guns smuggling. You would wonder if the owner or if their key officers know? Or if some of those high up are also involved?

If this is the case, what happens to the people that patronize these kinds of organizations? Are they not being placed in undue risk by the staff and officers that are engaged in highly criminal activities?

Innocents are always the big victims. Somehow, there must be a way to stop these practices from ever continuing. While it is nice for those with warped minds to hear that criminal elements are now getting rich faster than you can say dineros, there has to be a balancing factor that would prevent the public from being needlessly endangered by the sheer temptation of rapid wealth creation.

If there were no more laws, statutes, rules and regulations I’d say, if some of Toffler’s children cannot be aborted at birth, it’s better to remove them from this planet. Inshallah!